First of all I am not implying any of you are boneheads.  It is just a frase that I picked up going to college.  You had English 101, Math for 101.  It was for those who had a hard time in understanding the subject at hand.  Even I took some classes that the students dubbed as for boneheads.

I want to thank the Holy Spirit in helping me to sort  all this out.
Making it plain to  me so I could write this down for others to learn and underatand more of what the scriptures were saying.

Alos, to thank Kathie Howard and Ataloa Woodin for insight into the Word of God, for the more simple approach to understanding.

These next few topics are only a few on what is mention in the scriptures.  I have done them in a very simple form.  I pray that all who read this willl grow in deeper understanding of the scriptures that our Father as given us.

In 2 Tim 2:15 (KJV) it says,
Study to show theyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashmed, righty dividing the word of truth.

E. Annsalee Keen Hardwick